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HOPE announces Two Proposed Developments at Annual FRIENDraiser
Our sincere thanks to all who joined us at our annual Friendraiser at the Old Lyme Country Club! It was wonderful to see “old” friends...

Why Johnny Can't Rent
Forty two percent of Connecticut’s millennials still live at home with mom and dad. Why? It’s the one-two punch of student debt and lack...

Ways to Give | Ways to Help
The holiday season is one of giving, and while many of us enjoy both the giving and the receiving of gifts, many in our community are...

What is “affordable housing”?
Affordability is a standard set by banks and lenders that is based on a percentage of household income. Most financial advisers recommend...
Myth: Affordable housing will bring large families and more children to the community, thereby increasing the burden on schools....

Theatre Night 2017
It was a gorgeous fall evening, with approximately 100 guests in attendance for Theatre Night 2017, HOPE Partnership’s annual fundraiser,...
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